Thursday, 6 December 2012

Origins Super Spot Remover - Review

Hi pretty people!

So rather excitingly they've opened up a new MASSIVE Waistrose and John Lewis not too far from my house. Me and my mum decided to take a trip there and it was all so pretty and big and lovely! Wondering through the candle section (another obsession of mine) I found the beautyish section, much too my disappointment there was no make up counters but my beady little eye spotted the Origins counter at the end. I went over to ask the sales assistant, who was lovely by the way, about a thick face mask and she suggested I try Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask and to my excitement there was of course a christmas deal on face masks! I seem to have some sort of uncontrollable obsession with face masks atm! But my mums put that away for christmas so keep your eyes peeled for more natter about that!

Anyways back to the point of my post! I have been wanting to try Origin's Super Spot Remover for ages now. Reading and hearing so many good things about it I knew I just had to try it. And what better time, my face has decided to blow up like spotsville in the last week and it's horrid! 


Me with no make up (other than eyebrows)

Treatment on, doing it's thang.

The next day (already looks a lot less red and angry!)

The little wonder bottle of goodness!


The pictures speak for themselves, but I really do think it reduces the size and redness of those horrible spots within a day and normally by about 2 days they're gone! It's a gel treatment that you just pat on to any blemishes with a clean finger and leave it to do what it's got to do! I will say this though, it does sting but nothing enough to stop me from using it and in fact I kind of like the fact it stings because it makes me feel like it's really working. I know £13 seems like a lot for such a little bottle but honestly it works so well and I will be repurchasing it as soon as I run out!

(Once again, sorry for my ugly face!)

This has sparked a love between me and Origins. So tell me, what are you favourite products by them?!



  1. Wow, two days to clear spots? I don't often get spots, so now that I've broken out, I don't know how to clear them! I'd love to give this a try x

    1. You should deff give this a try! It works wonders :) It won't stop you getting spots but it'll do a fab job of getting rid of them.x

    2. Alexandra Dean - Beauty: Origins Super Spot Remover - Review >>>>> Download Now

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      Alexandra Dean - Beauty: Origins Super Spot Remover - Review >>>>> Download LINK

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      Alexandra Dean - Beauty: Origins Super Spot Remover - Review >>>>> Download Full

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  2. I've heard good reviews of this too so will probs give it a try! Thanks for the photos they really help, great review!


  3. Alexandra Dean - Beauty: Origins Super Spot Remover - Review >>>>> Download Now

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    Alexandra Dean - Beauty: Origins Super Spot Remover - Review >>>>> Download LINK

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    Alexandra Dean - Beauty: Origins Super Spot Remover - Review >>>>> Download Full

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